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Sep 30, 2022

Jared Scheffler of Whitetail Adrenaline joins me on this weeks podcast. 

Jared is a mobile hunter to the tenth degree and it is of his belief that staying mobile is directly responsible for his and the whitetail adrenaline crews high level of success.

In this episode we are breaking down how and where to find deer, what...

Sep 23, 2022

Tony Peterson of the MeatEater crew joins me on this weeks episode.

Tony and I are breaking down a good handful of deer hunting topics as well as divulging into some general conversation around a few personal issues near and dear to our ways of life.

Thanks for listening!

Gumleaf USA Giveaway (website entry)


Sep 16, 2022

This week I am joined by my good friend and owner/operator of Latitude Outdoors Kevin Leach.

Kevin and I are revisiting our deer camp from this past season in the big woods of northern Michigan. We are reflecting back on what went right and what went wrong and how we are using that information to adjust when we head to...

Sep 9, 2022

Dan Infalt AKA The Hunting Beast joins me on todays podcast. Dan and I are discussing our plans for our upcoming October deer camp in Northern Michigan. We are breaking down maps, food sources, terrain features as well as our plans in general for the upcoming hunt.

Thanks for listening!

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